The text books are provided to Scheduled Caste students studying in 1st to 10th class in Government as well as private recognized schools.
Imparting Training in Driver-Cum-Mechanic (Light Motor Vehicle And Heavy Motor Vehicle)
This scheme was started in the year 2005-06.
Scheme to Assist BPL SC Students
Scheme to Assist BPL SC Students Covered Under The Existing Plan Scheme “New Courses/Vocational Training in ITIs For Scheduled Castes Students”
Removal of Untouchability Under Programme
Removal of Untouchability Under Programme for Implementation of Protection of Civil Rights Act-1955 and The Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989
Awareness Programmes (NON-PLAN)
For effective implementation of Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955, general awareness among poor Scheduled Castes is must.
Coaching for Stenography to Scheduled Caste Candidates
The scheme aims at bringing adequate representations of the members of the scheduled castes in the cadre of Punjabi stenographers and steno typists in Punjab Civil Secretariat and other offices of the state Govt.
Pre-Matric Scholarship To Children of Those Parents Engaged In Unclean Occupations
The object of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to children whose parents/guardian belongs to one of the following categories, to pursue Pre-matric education.
Scheme of Pre-Matric Scholarship For Scheduled Caste Students Studying In Classes IX & X
This is a centrally sponsored scheme. The objective of the scheme is to support parents of SC children for education of their wards studying in classes IX and X.
Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatrawas Yojna
The primary objective of the revised scheme is to attract the implementing agencies for undertaking hostel construction programme, especially for SC Girls towards the broader vision of containment and reduction of their drop-out rate
Scheme for Sanctioning Special Grant to SC Girl Students in Post-Matric & Post Graduate
The object of the scheme is to provide financial assistance for the upliftment of the Scheduled Caste girl students studying in post-matric and post-graduate classes.