List of Backward classes/other backward classes Declared by the Punjab Govt.
Sr. No | Name of Caste | Notification vide which decleared as BC/OBC | Date upto declared as Backward Class |
1 | Aheria, Aheri, Heri, Naik, Thori or Turi | 6961-WG-53/62307 dated 21-8-1953 | For indefinite period |
2 | Barra | -do- | -do- |
3 | Beta, Hensi or Hesi | -do- | -do- |
4 | Changar | -do- | -do- |
5 | Chirimar | -do- | -do- |
6 | Daiya | -do- | -do- |
7 | Gwaria, Gauria or Gwar | -do- | -do- |
8 | Kanjar or Kanchan | -do- | -do- |
9 | Kumi | -do- | -do- |
10 | Nar | -do- | -do- |
11 | Rachar, Rechara or Re | -do- | -do- |
12 | Ghirath including Chang and Bahti | -do- | -do- |
13 | Kahar, Jhinwar or Dhinwar | 11096-WG-55/53380 dated 3-9-1955 | -do- |
14 | Ghasi, Ghasiara or Ghosi | 11096-WG-55/53380 dated 3-9-1955 | -do- |
15 | Bagria | 1520-WG-56/3429 dated 8-9-1956 | -do- |
16 | Raigar | -do- | -do- |
17 | Weaver (Jullaha) | -do- | -do- |
18 | Labana | 28585-WG-56/6014 dated 6-10-1956 | -do- |
19 | Gorkhas | 14980-WGII-57/106352 dated 7/13-12-1957 | -do- |
20 | Kumhars (including Parjapats) | 5815-WG-II-58/21759 dated 15/19-3-1958 | -do- |
21 | Dhobis | 12393-WG-II/58/56330 dated 14-7-1958 | -do- |
22 | Nais (including Sub Caste “Kuleen Brahman”)
* |
3059/WG(C)56/8/26 dated 10/12-11-1956 | -do- |
*14352-WG-II-58/19938 (3496 ch) dated 24/27-11-1958 | |||
23 | Kamboj | 9139-WG-11-59/38383 dated 9/23-12-1959 | For five years |
14755-4WG-1/64/28528 dated 24-12-1964 | Till further order | ||
2763-4WGI-65/2431 dated 1-3-1965 | Upto 9-12-1966 | ||
1470-SW (Asc)67/1287 dated 29-5-1967 | Upto 8-12-1968 | ||
4075-SW-6-69/12883 dated 24-5-1969 | Upto 8-12-1973 | ||
1783-6SW-4BC-74/5144 dated 22-3-1974 | Upto 8-12-1978 | ||
1235(SWA-3)79/2249 dated 27-4-1979 | For indefinite periode | ||
24 | Rai Sikhs | 9139-WG-11-59/38353 dated 9/23-12-1959 | For indefinite periode |
25 | Barwar | -do- | -do- |
26 | Barai Tamboli | -do- | -do- |
27 | Baragi, Bairagi | -do- | -do- |
28 | Batterha | -do- | -do- |
29 | Bharbhunja, Bharbhuja | -do- | -do- |
30 | Bhat, Bhatra, Darpi, Ramiya | -do- | -do- |
31 | Bhuhalia Lohar | -do- | -do- |
32 | Chang | -do- | -do- |
33 | Chimba, Chhippi, Chimpa, Darzi, Tank | -do- | -do- |
34 | Dakaut | -do- | |
35 | Dhimar, Mallah, Kashyap, Rajputs. | -do- | -do- |
36 | Dhosali, Dosali | -do- | -do- |
37 | Faquir | -do- | -do- |
38 | Gadraria | -do- | -do- |
39 | Gawala, Gowala | 9139-WG-11-59/38353 dated 9/23-12-1959 | For indefinite period |
40 | Hajjam, Nai/Sain* | 9139-WG-11-59/38353 dated 9/23-12-1959 | For indefinite period |
*10/10/982-SCWI/1393 dated 18-12-2001 | |||
41 | Jhangra Brahman | 9139-WG-11-59/38353 dated 9/23-12-1959 | For indefinite period |
42 | Khati | -do- | -do- |
43 | Jogi Nath | -do- | -do- |
44 | Kangohra | -do- | -do- |
45 | Rachband | -do- | -do- |
46 | Thathora, Tampora | -do- | -do- |
47 | Kuchband | -do- | -do- |
48 | Venzara | -do- | -do- |
49 | Lakhera, Manihar | -do- | -d0- |
50 | Lohar | -do- | -do- |
51 | Madari | -do- | -do- |
52 | Mirasi | -do- | -do- |
53 | Nalband | -do- | -do- |
54 | Noongar | -do- | -do- |
55 | Pinja, Penja | -do- | -do- |
56 | Shorgir | -do- | -do- |
57 | Singhikant, Singhiwal | -do- | -do- |
58 | Soi | -do- | -do- |
59 | Teli | -do- | -do- |
60 | Christians (converted from S.C Caste) | 4813-6SW-72/6047 dated 16-8-1972 | For indefinite period |
61 | Daula or Soni Bradri | 7066-6SW-73/1145 dated 31-1-1974 | -do- |
62 | Arain | 4836-6SW-74/29BC/9535 dated 22-5-1974 | -do- |
63 | Gujjar | 6816-6SW-12BC-74/13359 dated 12-7-1974 | For five years |
2799-SWA-3/79/26569 dated 12-9-1979 | For indefinite period | ||
64 | Sanyasi, Sadhu, Sanyasi Bawa | 8/76/95/2SCW-I/7802 dated 19-9-1996 | Declared as OBC for indefinite period |
65 | Buzroos | 8/76/95/2SCW-I/7802 dated 19-9-1996 | -do- |
66 | Mehra Rajputs | 8/76/95/2SWC-I/484 dated 2-5-1997 | -do- |
67 | Soni Rajputs | Corrigendum vide No. 8/76/95-2SCW-I/530 dated 15-5-2001 | -do- |
68 | Ramgarhia, Tarkhan & Dhiman | 8/21/99-2SCWI/982 dated 22-8-2001 | -do- |
69 | Kachhi (Shakya, Maurya and Kushwaha) | 10(10)98-2SCWI/638 dated 27-6-2003 | -do- |
70 | Swarankar/Suniar | 3/01/2010-RC-2/133-143 | 12-9-2016 |
71 | Saini | 3/01/2010-RC-2/133-143 | 12-9-2016 |
72. | Gosai & Goswami | 1/34/2016-RC-2/855122 | 6-10-2016 |
73. | Yadav/Ahir | 1/34/2016-RC-2/855122 | 6-10-2016 |
74. | Rabari | 1/34/2016-RC-2/855122 | 6-10-2016 |
75. | Sikh Rajput | 1/34/2016-RC-2/174 | 14-10-2016 |
amandeep singh says
hello sir is ramgarhia caste is belong into BC
PunjabXP Team says
In the notification No. 8/21/99-2SCW-I/982 dated 22.8.2001, The Governor of Punjab is pleased to include the Ramgarhia, Tarkhan & Dhiman in the list of OBC in the state of Punjab irrespective of their religion for the purpose of special treatment for promotion of their economic conditions & other interests.
satinder kumar chawla says
is the shergil are in obc inpunjab or they are in jat sikh thanks
Neetu says
Which category of kamboj sikhs still continues to be in BC category…kindly reply
Brahmeet Khunda says
Helo SiR I belong Ramgarhia Caste and I am residing in West Bengal ,
Please Suggest me How to apply for OBC Certificate.
PunjabXP Team says
Download Application Form:
Jashan Giri says
Hi Sir, Is there any time limit for caste no. 64 Sanyasi, Sadhu, Sanyasi Bawa 8/76/95/2SCW-I/7802 dated 19-9-1996 Declared as OBC for indefinite period for the category of obc ?
Is it for some specified time . if yes then till what time ?
Thanks and regards
Ravneet says
Hello Sir, does list no.23 kamboj caste belongs to BC category??
PunjabXP Team says
Kamboj caste is belong to OBC.
inderjit singh sembhi says
is the lohar cast belonge to bc ?
PunjabXP Team says
lohar caste is belong to OBC.
Yadwinder says
Sir Sikh rajput is under obc or bc
PunjabXP Team says
It is belong to BC.
Yadwinder says
Sir in future Sikh rajputt can add in obc??
Ritu says
Is it true….hindu saini are under in Bc category??
Rajput says
Sir send notification link of Rajput Sikh BC caste
Rajput says
Sir please send Rajput caste backward notification link or PDF
Simran says
What about sikh rajput? In which category they fall?
Simran says
Do sikh rajput comes under BC?
SIKH RAJPUT BC list inclusion… Plz send the official notification
ankooo says
Hlo sir I m from jharkhand belonging to teli may I apply for obc in Punjab
rajinder singh says
Sir bhargav caste is obc in punjab ? please reply
Prabhjot Saini says
are saini still in OBC…..
PunjabXP Team says
Saini is belong to BC.
Ram Saroop Sharma says
I, Ram Saroop Sharma, want to know about the that there is any restriction on making the caste certificates wherther he is SC/BC/OBC and he is come from any other State like Himachal Pradesh, U.P., Bihar, Rajasthan, Uttrakhand etc. If any restriction or any prohibtion is imposed in any notification of the Punjab Govt. then also sent the details about that Notification .
I am Very thankful to you .
Kindly reply. Its an urgent.
Rajwant Kaur says
Lubana caste belongs to BC or OBC??
Lakhwinder Singh says
Lubana caste belongs to bc or obc?
PunjabXP Team says
Labana is Belong to BC.
Rajput says
Sikh Rajput BC caste notification
PunjabXP Team says
As per as we know that rajput belong to bc. But we are unable to specify any notice.
Tarun singh chawla says
sir my surname is singh chawla
i want to know that in which catelogery of sikh we come
Amita Saini says
sir,i am from punjab and want central obc certificate for central job reservation for which i filled the form and they made bc certificate and said bc, obc are same but their formats are different .please tell me what to do
PunjabXP Team says
OBC certificate format
anil says
obc certificate to bc convert process ?
harish says
hello sir I am harish, belong to Yadav caste in Punjab as per given notification, the Yadav caste is in Obc category from 6oct 2016 ,but still Patiala suwidha centre not making y adav Obc certificate instead of BC ,please reply
Gokul Sangar says
Sir, my caste is Ghumiyaar and I want what is my category .
navjot singh says
sir , i am muslim and using sikh name , singh as caste , same my father using sikh name and singh but not grandfather , can i belong to BC.
Sahil says
Sangawat caste under obc ….????
navjit says
the reservarious should be on economic Base rather than on caste Base. as far as concern with saini community of punjab they are in no way backward very forward nd hard working community.
several delegation from maja malwa doaba have already opposed the reevasion to denotify.
we xshoukd not become begged nd boost up our moral up keeping I view ghe psyche of present ax well as coming generation
Manjeet Singh says
Sir Punjabi Kshatriya tong belong which category
Aarif Ansari says
Hello sir,
My name is Mohd. Aarif Ansari. I belongs to the Muslim caste (weaver, JHULAHA). Our Caste has been declared as under OBC since 1994 As well as by central and state Government. But in punjab (Ludhiana) No any caste certificate is build By Tehseldar and SDM.
I am filling disappointed kindly help me because I Have to take admission in the college
I will be very thank full to you
Contact no 9876447387
Rajpal Singh Yadav says
whether “Muslim Teli” of Punjab State are to be treated as O.B.C.
Rajpal Singh Yadav says
Whether “Muslim Teli” of Punjab State are eligible to get the benefits of O.B.C. in central government’s job recruitment
Amrik Saini says
I am belong to Saini Cast (BC) but I stay in Maharashtra ok . know I want to make cast certificate so which cast certificate we make hear and what is processer can you give me idea about this please.
bhuvnesh kumar bedi says
tutia caste relates to which category
sir, we are the rajputs of ,lived since 2010 in nayagaon, near sector -1, chd. distt. Mohali , Punjab , Can we get the status of reserved category as the rajputs are shown in the list of B.C./O.B.C. reserved category vide Nt. 9139-W G-11-59/38353 DATED 9/23-12-1959
Rajbir kaur says
suniar caste belongs to OBC or SC
Amit says
Sir Is this Saini category is under BC
PunjabXP Team says
Saini is belong to BC.
shubham sachdeva says
hello sir my tittle is sachdeva which caste belong to and this category pls sir reply me at gmail
Sandeep Kaur says
Hlo sir, I belongs to caste ‘Bahti’.Is it under bc or obc category?
Anmol says
Hello sir i belongs to suniar caste. is it under obc or bc?
Rajput says
Family income 12lakh is able to make bc certificate caste
Pranjeet kumar says
Hello sir ! I am belonging to Bihar. My caste is Awadh bania . My title name is Mahto . I want to create my caste certificate in Punjab . But Awadh bania caste not add in BC list in Punjab. I want to add This caste in BC in Punjab . I am sure this caste is add in BC in bihar
Please sir add this caste in BC in Punjab.
kindly reply It’s an very urgent
ravinder singh says
sir i am from rajsathan belong to tarkhan caste. all my docuemnt my name mention is ravinder singh only. then how can i proof that i am tarkhan. my father is from punjab but i born in rajasthan. please reply me urgent.
asgar ali says
hello sir
actually i m Muslim and i belongs to darzi caste .
can i eligible for obtaining obc certificate of darzi in punjab?
sir please suggest me….
i shall be very thankful to you for this..
Akanksha says
Do shergills belong to general or SC category?
Rana ji says
Ramadasiya diman sikh is SC obc or general please help
Mahiuddin says
My name is mahiuddin Muslim cast seikh obc in panjab no sho obc seikh list my rekwest is my cast is seikh in progress in my rekwest in panjab goverment my cast obc seikh in
Ravi thakur says
I belong to barber by caste (thakur)but my family name is end with thakur .we are residing in punjab …..we dont knw our category ….is it …obc,sc,st,or either general pls…mentioned….
Shaihwar says
Sir, are darzi belong to bc or obc???
Ruppinder Singh says
I am from Ramghariya Community but I have no documentary proof (which is required to apply for OBC certificate) what to do now. Which certificate will be sufficient
Ruppinder Singh says
Does “SOKHI”Title belongs to OBC
Ramghariya, Lohar may be?????
Prince says
hello sir is the christian belong to obc caste if they change from sc caste please tell me
kunjan chopra says
kindly reply sir
Ramandeep says
Sir I want to know my friend belong to suniar caste under which category come and what benefits are given pls tell
Ramandeep says
Sir i want to know about till now not sc certificate of mine as do not know that come our SC category and in every certificate category written in 10,12 and degree or other form like national scholarship for minority Sikh Till. Can we apply for Sc certificate now and record of our category updated to help in economic upliftment Pls Reply
navneet kaur says
hello sir ,
my caste is nai and i live in UP but UP government is not providing us OBC certificate as i do not have any proof .how can i apply for OBC certificate of my father who has native place in punjab. pls give some imformation.
Varinder kumar says
Is JAWA caste falls under BC or SC category ?
Jaswant singh says
Sir.if a general category girl marry with obc boy .whether She can Claim benifit of OBC Category…?
Daljit Singh saini says
Sir, is Saini cast still an OBC. Because SL. no. 71 of OBC LIST say up to 12-9-16 only. Also my sister from Distt. Hoshiarpur has got married in Dharam sala HP. Can she get her OBC certificate made from punjab?
Daljit Singh Saini.
Ramanjot Singh says
Gundh caste is belong to which……..
Live in Ludhiana
Prabh says
Sir I want to renew my certificate …what is d procedure plz do reply its urgent
SapnaSandhu says
Sir Sikhism was formed without caste init . that means the religious idealogy is no-casteism .. now when for getting reservtion and getting sc st caste certificate sikh are claiming their caste that they belong to ramgharia khatri arora majhabai etc. sir i want to ask when sikh is called itself is minority and they claim on top of the voice that sikhism dont belive in castism then why jatt are kept aside from obc or sc st category? are jatt not sikh? when few surname are claming they are sikh and they are sc st sikh why cant jatt given same? either who are claiming sc st of sikh should give justification whether the religion they belive or follow or born are same ideology claming to belive no casetism and newly formed religion? if yes then jatt have never claim they are too sikh and they should also counted under sc st category.
I am jatt sikh girl i wanted to know sikhism i said to belive ideology of no-casteism then why thesee others claiming themselves as sikh but enjoying sc st category also?
asheesh says
Hello Sir, Sandhu is what majhabi or which caste. Plz reply
hlo, sir what is the status of jats being considered as obc after 2014, are they now eligible for obc category or not, please clerify? and how to know about this and from where?
kindly reply sir
843786****mohinder pal singh says
is Bhatia caste falls as sc/st/bc/obc or other reserve categories Plz. reply
rupika says
rajput belongs to GC or OBC
Chetan verma says
My Name is Chetan verma And how can in create my obc certificate. Because our categary is under swarankar/suniar. All my Documents officially Named with ChetaN Verma….and i am going to tehsil gurdaspur punjab… they said u can use your name in Obc ceritiface as Chetan Suniar or Chetan Swarnkar but My original name on my other documnets is Chetan Verma…..please help me and tell me how to Use my original name on My obc certificate
myself is vijay yadav. Whether yadav comes under OBC catagory in Punjab
Krishan Kumar says
Sir, Nayak caste hai jo rajasthan,gujrat aur center ki list mein sc mein hai par Punjab mein bc mein kyu please reply me
Gaurav Dhiman says
Sir mai chandigarh se hu….or meri caste Dhiman hai…sir chandigarh ki central obc list me khi b dhiman/turkhan ka obc ka mention nhi ho rakha bs lohar mention ho rkha hai… kya sir mera obc ka certificate bn skta hai chandigarh me ?
Rupesh Malhotra says
Please let me know if Sidhoura is an OBC cast of Punjab ?
Jagjeet Singh says
I m Mehra by caste, so am i in OBC or BC?
Cause i dont understand that in your list.
There its written ( 8/76/95/2SWC-I/484 dated 2-5-1997) or in 2nd column its ( – do) .
What that means, pleasure tell!
And if Mehra is not OBC den in which category we are, plz reply asap..
PunjabXP Team says
In the Notification No 8/76/95/2SWC-I/484, The Governor of Punjab is pleased to accept the recommendations of the Punjab State Backward Classes Commission, made in respect of Mehra Rajputs and Soni/Rajputs for their inclusion in the list of Other Backward Classes in the State of Punjab irrespective of their religion for the purpose of special treatment for promotion of their economic conditions and other interests.
Mr singh says
Is parhar (parihar) a bc or obc or sc
Thanks for your services
Mr singh
Pancham Rajbhar says
Punjab chandigarh,me Bhar /Rajbhar caste jo O B C/Denotified Tribes hai usaka naam bhi hona chahiye
Shubham kumar says
Kushwah Thakur caste is in backward caste in punjab???? I want to join Indian army army needs caste certificate either u belong gen caste but our ludhiana court said that ur caste is not our punjab General castes so give me suggestions wt I do
Lubana says
?why are lobana’s adding in obc while they have great income growth as well as status ????
Rajinder Kumar says
hi pls anyone clarify differents between BC and OBC certificate.
Phoenix says
Difference Between BC and OBC caste certificate in India.
BC-Backward class people is a collective term, used by the Government of India, for castes which are economically and socially disadvantaged and face, or may have faced discrimination on account of birth. Most of them do not have any land ownership or economic independence and are dependent on Forward Castes for employment, mostly as farm hands or menial labour; or derive income from self employment on caste-dependent skills assignment. They typically include the Dalits, the Scheduled castes.
OBCs – Other Backward Classes are described as “socially and educationally backward classes”, and government is enjoined to ensure their social and educational development.The Central Government of India classifies some of its citizens based on their social and economic condition as Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Class (OBC). The OBC list presented by the commission is dynamic (castes and communities can be added or removed) and will change from time to time depending on Social, Educational and Economic factors.
Until 1985, the affairs of Backward Classes were looked after by the Backward Classes Cell (BCC) in the Ministry of Home Affairs. With the creation of a separate Ministry of Welfare in 1985 (renamed as Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment on 25 May 1998) the matters relating to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and Minorities were transferred to the new Ministry.
Source: yahoo
PunjabXP Team says
Thank you for this information.
amrit kaur says
Hello Sir, I always used General category in education and other exams but I came to know that we are Tarkhan Lohar ,my parents are living in Ludhiana Punjab but since birth, I am staying with my maternal aunty in Chhattisgarh and due to lack of awareness and other technical issues we never used this category even I don’t have OBC caste certificate but now I need to use this reservation for my govt exams. … I just want to know is this legal and using reservation at this point ??? can I apply for OBC certificate now and if yes then what is the procedure please help me I’ll be thankful because it will be beneficial for me and for my career……
PunjabXP Team says
Yes, It is legal.Now you can apply for OBC Certificate.
Surinder Pal Singh says
please give information that Labana caste is backward class or OBC. Also provide me information that which form need to fill to get caste certificate belong to labana caste
Surinder Pal Singh says
please provide me the information that Labana caste belong to BC or OBC. and suggest to me which form need to fill get a certificate belong to Labana caste
Gurpreet Singh says
Helo Sir…. Sikh rajput OBC certificate bnwa skde ne kya…. Mai sewa kender to pta kita c OH kehde c Sikh rajput obc list vch show ni Ho rahe
Roop lal says
Simple girath class are belonging to OBC or BC ????
Sanjaychouhan says
Hi sir, my caste is jogi nath(43)no. But u suggest me is in creamy layer or non creamy layer
ravinder SEHMI says
Sir in chattisgrah state is ramgariya is. Belong to obc cast
Shivam Poddar says
Poddar surname fall under which category
tajinder mansa says
Punjab xp team
jo Rajput (obc ) caste ka certificate banta hai usme (obc/bc ) hota hai
eska kya matlab hai. j jo certificate hai punjab mai job me reservation lene ke time form mai (bc) or (obc )fill
aur j certificate kitne time tak valid hota hai
Shivani Yadav says
Hello Sir/Madam,
I am Yadav . Can I apply for OBC certificate as they are in inclusion caste list?
Shivani Yadav
shamdeen says
Gujjar b.c caste interactions send please
Ranjit Kumar Raigar says
Main ek baat puchna Chahta Hu keya Raigar caste Gerenal caste main jaste hai keya
sandeep says
punjab se yadav caste ka obc centr fomramt me certificate bnega ja nhi pls tell me
sandeep says
yadav caste wale bc caste me punjab me hai kya unka centr ka obc format me caste certificate bnegi ja nhi
Sahil says
Sir rajput BC de vich aaunde ne?
sandeep gautam says
Hello Sir/ Ma;am,
suniar , saini, are in obc category upto 12/09/2016. Now In which category they belong further?
thanks & regards.
yuvraj RamGHaria says
I am proud to be RAMGHARIA to belong BC
sandeep says
Hello sir,
Swarnkar caste benefit punjab state
Afeez Rehman says
Hlo sir .I am afeez Rehman from Punjab rooonagar .me Muslim Sunni Hun ye Kon se category me aate hai or caste certificate kaise apply Karen.
Parveen khosla says
Are khosla belong to which catagory. Sc,st,ovc or etc.
Rajwamt Singh says
Hello sir is labana Caste Also Comes In OBC??
Abhishek kumar says
Hlo sir Prajapati cast is belong into obc
Aman says
Yadav/ ahir can apply for BC ?? Sir pls reply it’s very urgent plssssss
Esrial mohammad says
Sir. I am belong to lohar caste. But my religions islam.
Ke assi backeard class ma atte ha yes ja no
Deepak says
How to renew Bc/Obc certificate?
Is it mandatory to renew and valadity time for bc/obc certificate for Punjab and center.
Gurmail singh says
Sir sadi help karo sadi cast sikh rajput hai ta mara ohala certificate sikh rajput bc bana ha ta hu patwari kihda ae ki sikh rajput hun banda ni ta mai apni family da bono na a oh kihanda a ki hun soni rajput da banana a oher ek member ta ho ta baki a da hor kiwa bun sakda ae .Plz help me
Roda says
is RODA caste is belong into OBC
Manjeet Singh says
ਛੀਬਾਂ ਜਾਤੀ ਨਾਲ, ਸਿੱਖ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਲੱਗਦਾ ਹੈ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਇਸ ਬਾਰੇ ਦੱਸਣਾ ਜੀ। ਧੰਨਵਾਦ।
Jagjit Singh Sidhu says
Is there BC and OBC castes are considered same or different in Punjab? Plz respond me.
Manju chauhan says
Which caste is doda???
SCJain says
Is chhimba community included in b. c or once category in states of Punjab?
Ankit says
Hlo sir i belong to ‘saini’ caste. I have BC certificate in haryana .Is this certificate valid in chandigarh for taking admission. If not please provide form of BC
Amam says
Remove caste system it will help in solving many problems
Sarabjeet singh says
Hello sir
In which catagory minhas rajput are standing in Punjab
Simarjit Singh says
Hlo sir I hv lost my BC certificate and I have no information about the certificate no. entitlement no. date of applied etc
How I get get my certificate again.
Raghu raja says
My surname verma hia aur maine bc ka certificate banana hia to mia kon se jati mea ataa hia
Dil Preet says
Kabhi Saini caste k baare mai details nikal Lena kon c category hai jo aab Punjab government ne low and backward caste mai daal de hai shame on all jo castes banate hai
Sharanjot says
Is mehre(chuir)are belong to backward class
rinku yadav says
which caste belong to BC as i belong to ahir caste so is i am BC or OBC,please admin comment .
thanks in advance
Ravi kumar says
Sir . Swarankar or Suniar difrenc
Ravi kumar says
Sir. SWARANKAR or Suniar difrenc
Gurjeet Singh says
Hello sir ,
Why Prajapat belong to prajapat sikh. In 2017all certificate prajapat allow to prajapat sikh . please change sir only prajapat to prajapat sikh.
Thank you
Gurjeet Singh says
Prajapat /kumhar cast ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਸਿੱਖ ਲਗਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਨਾ ਇਸ ਬਾਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਦੀਯੋ
Harsh says
‘MALAH’ is SC or BC ? Plz tell someone.
Abhishek says
Hello sir is dang cast belong to BC
suman says
plz suggest me before marriage I have a haryana BC certificate…. now I am in punjab..
will i again replay for punjab bc … or it will same
I want to know that Chimba Caste is treated as BC or OBC in Punjab
Harpreet says
Can a ramdasiya make OBC certificate as jullaha is in OBC??
Harry says
What is the meaning of “-do-” in the list? Please clarify that.
Khurshid Ansari says
Ansari/Momin belong to which caste…???
Are Verma’s an increase in Punjab still
Arpit says
are Verma’s still an obc in Punjab then what should be the family income for certified
Normal singh says
Pl let me the sub caste of Kurmi caste in punjab
Harcharan Singh says
Sir, Goswami/Gosian cast declare as BC In Punjab since 2016, Now , but status of same cast in Punjab ?,
Karan says
Who was dhaunkal
Ram kishore says
Yadav is obc in pb.or not
Gurdeep Singh says
Helo SiR I belong to Ramgarhia Caste and having certificate of OBC (in Punjab). The School of My son is demanding BC certificate for scholarship (Students Certificate). The above said caste is belong in both category list of BC/OBC in Punjab. Please suggest me which certificate is more beneficial for my son in future to take more benefits like scholarship etc.
Rahul thakur says
Sir sains yse thakur sir name or not
Rahul thakur says
Sain Use Thakur surname or not
Raghav says
Pawa come under?
Mamta rani says
Is labana caste under non creamy layer
Mukesh Kumar says
Sir please please update suniar cast is under OBC OR BC please reply sir..i am very confuse.
deepika says
rajpal is belongs to bc
kiran says
hii sir ….is tarkhan belong to bc or not
Jass says
Hi, Can any one tell me that whether ‘Jammu’ surname belongs to BC/OBC or is general ? Please
Bhupinder singh says
Sir tarkhan
Nand kishor dhakar says
Dhaker caste belong
in witch category
amit says
barai caste whats name in which punjab
HARJOT Singh says
chiba backword or sc
Rupinder Singh says
my wife belong Ramgarhia Caste and we are residing in Assam , I have downloaded the form, but where we have to send the filled up form, no address is given there? Also on all the certificates of my wife the address is of Assam only and we don’t have any ration card. Please let me know what to do.
Rahul says
Sir daujiram naam hai mera mai punjab mai rahta hoo sir konsi caste hogi meri sir please bta dijia??
Karan gill says
Is weaver (jullaha) belong to bc or obc
Raman says
Sir is tamboli caste belong to OBC in Punjab
Harry says
Helo sir…Sikh Rajput bc me hai ja obc me…..and turban banni jruri hai ja name piche Singh lagya Hove fr v bnjega certificate…pls help
Raj yadav says
There is one caste missing …aheir./Ahir fall in the OBC category but there is only aheri…I think there is speling mistake aheir.
harmanjot says
weaver jullaha is an bc caste then why show it in sc list ?
PunjabXP Team says
Dear harmanjot,
Weaver (Jullaha) caste is belong to BC. Also Check the list of Schedule Caste.
Something else. let us know, and we’ll carefully review.
Sohan Singh Dhiman says
Carpenter, Blacksmith, Ghumhar, Chamar, Ravidasie, Bhand,
& who have come, from Pakistan in 1947 we’re totally
Disturbed & destroyed of either cast are more backwards
Than due to casts & sub cast &
Higher casts :–
Brahman, Khatri, Aroras, Goldsmiths, Banias are the high
Rajput says
Rajput caste backwards notification link
Seeom parsad says
Sir i belong to NUNIYA (utter pradesh) caste… which fall in obc list of centre
But this caste is not in the list of punjab govt.
How can i make nuniya caste certificate in punjab
Santosh kumar says
Hello sir, rajput caste bc ke under belong karte hai
Aftab ali says
hello sir, can you tell me in which catagory ansari (muslim caste) comes?
Mehar says
Hlo sir can you plz confirm is bhat sikh also come under obc or bc . Caste is landa . Plz confirm
Surjeet Kumar says
Dear sir,my name is surjeet Kumar.I belong to utter pardesh. I belong to bind(malah)caste .sir give suggestions to take a caste certificate because I contacted suvidh centre but he doesn’t know this caste .
Lakshay says
Hi.. I am working in Delhi Govt…
First of all. Lemme clear u all… Obc certificate issued by any state gvt is not valid in central government jobs and if u want to apply for any post in cntr govt job u hav to get obc certificate which issued by d same sdm offc/ Dc offc / tehsil and for state gvt d crtfct must b issued by state gvt.
Certificate issued by any state government is applicable in concerned state and fr cntrl gvt jobs also….
Lakshay says
Hi.. I am working in Delhi Govt…
First of all. Lemme clear u all… Obc certificate issued by any state gvt is not valid in central government jobs and if u want to apply for any post in cntr govt job u hav to get obc certificate which issued by d same sdm offc/ Dc offc / tehsil and for state gvt d crtfct must b issued by state gvt.
Certificate issued by any state government is applicable in concerned state and fr cntrl gvt jobs also….
Any query pls mail me…
Harvinder singh Nar says
Heena says
simran says
do means??
Ravneet kaur says
Chaudhary sc hai ya general
Naresh kumar says
Sir lohar is bc in under of Punjab government
Surjeet Kumar says
Hello, I belong to bind caste in uttarpardesh (UP),but Punjab government doesn’t provide my caste certificate (bind caste). please give me information about bind caste , which category of bind caste belong to Punjab caste list.
Meghna says
Are mehra from obc class ?
Sukhwant singh says
Sir. Iam caste in Saini belong to BC I am applied 25/6/2019 caste certificate in subidacenter Chamkaurshibe Punjab Caste for Saini related notification date 12/9/2016 Dclared as backward class SC but my applied application receipt officially manchan ( caste OBC) Sir Iam not certified
Dharampal says
Hello sir Yadav caste is belong into BC
Baljeet Singh says
Is sikh Rajput obc in punjab
Main job lai apply kita a OBC category vich
Main Sikh Rajput
Ki mera OBC da certificate ban jawga
And kitho
Kyuki sewa kendra cha ta menu problem aya rahi a
Krishan Bawa says
Hi Sir, Is there any time limit for caste no. 64 Sanyasi, Sadhu, Sanyasi Bawa 8/76/95/2SCW-I/7802 dated 19-9-1996 Declared as OBC for indefinite period for the category of obc ?
Is it for some specified time . if yes then till what time ?
Thanks and regards
Navjot says
At sr no 69 sainis are declared as BC vide letter of year 2010 but last column declared as BC up to 12/9/2016.
This means sainis have been excluded from list now pl clarify through your resource.
mr. singh says
please tell that for how many years a OBC Certificate is Valid
Suruchi says
Sir I am 18 yrs. Student. My father is a class-III govt.employee. whose income is above 8 lacs. Can I make backward class certificate.
Suruchi says
Sir, I am a student of 18 yrs. My father is a class-III GOVT. Employee whose income is above 8 lakh. My caste comes under backward class. Can I make backward class certificate.
Swaranjeet kaur says
Sir sikh rajput caste kya abhi bhi punjab me BC category m count hoti hai k general m…..kya unko state gov. Exam me reservation miligi Bc k under jaise ki PPSC exam m…
jaswinder singh says
is there any income limit in bc category ? 2. my father retired as government employee ?
Mohd Jameel says
Respected Sir/Madam,
As per notification dated 4/5-12-2002 issued by state of Punjab, Department of Welfare, the “Mochi” caste has been excluded from the list of Backward Classes w.e.f. 27.05.2002. Muslim Mochi also excluded from BC list of Punjab Government.
Indian citizens belonging to Mochi Caste whether Hindu, or Muslim or others have been equally getting the benefit for Reservation in BC list . As per Indian Constitution, only Hindus are entitled to be entered into SC list, Muslims or other Non Hindu Mochi do remain in BC list. For such clarification, please consult NCBC, Government of India, New Delhi.
As for as the omission of Mochi Caste in the present BC list is concerned, it is the fault of persons who revised this list. And, we Muslim and Non Hindu Mochi have been made victim of the fault of others.
Kindly Considered to Muslim Mochi Caste in Other Backward Class list of Punjab Government. Highly Thanks
Tejinder singh says
Respected Sir,
Sir mujhe yeh jaan na hai ki 6/10/2016 ko Yadav/Ahir caste ke liye kis viakti ne latter likha tha un ka Name aur mobile number address chahiye kya aap meri madad krenge
Ajay kumar says
Hello sir kabir panthi jullaha sc category mein he yaan bc confirm this
Narinder kumar says
I want govt notification no 1/34/2016-RC-2/174 dated 14.10.2016
Ajay kumar says
Hello sir jullaha bhagat kbair panthi kehdi category wich aande han ethe taan jullaha bc wich likhiya hoya ar kaiya ne sc de certificates bnaye han
Kajal Yadav says
Sir , in Assam under which caste did Yadav fall ??
Please reply it soon.
Parveen Kumar says
Sir I belongs to bhat cast in obc list. I am Group C employees of punjab government . My income is 11 lacks pa . Can my children get obc certificate of non creamy layer?
Gulshan Masih says
Sir Punjab
Christian Belong to OBC
Bhaw says
Mehra sikhs falls under which category???
Jasbeer Nagi says
Hi sir…I’m a ramgrahia sikh living in Mumbai since almost birth time …need help how can I apply for the obc certificate for ramgrahia caste…please help
Jasbeer kaur nagi
Vishal kumar says
Sir, my caste is Rajbhar and I want to become Rajbhar caste certificate No, my family has a caste certificate and neither do you know how to make a Punjabi certificate???
Rahul Morya says
My name is rahul morya and my community is maurya . Is my caste category is obc ncl
Jai mala says
What is Arora cast category???? Surname kumar
riya says
sir agar birth se punjab ki ho or shadi other state ho jaye to ladki ki caste kya hogi punjab me
Nimmi rani says
Sir, Is sehgal’s , caste : Bhargav coming in OBC?
Please send me your reply.
pooja says
plz add rajbhar in ur list as it comes in OBC
Pooja says
Rajbhar kahan gye
Pooja says
Sir rajbhar caste obc me hai to punjab ki list me add kyu ni ki hai.. Bohat problem aa ri h mai certificate ni bnwa pa ri kuch suggest kijiye
Varinder says
Is the chauhans are in obc caste ?
Rahul kanda says
Hello sir,
I want to know my birth was in Ludhiana, Punjab and all my studies are completed in mehsana, North Gujarat. I am living in last twenty years having all my documents like Aadhar card and ration card are verified from mehsana. I belongs to gotra Kanda swarankar cast .
Please suggest me how to apply For OBC Certificate.
Thanks and regards
Rahul kanda
Mobil No. 8128763711, 9726077554
Suraj kumar says
Sir is Ahir (sr no. 73 ) in punjab included in obc in2020 ?
Manjit kaur says
Manaktala comes under obc or of or sc or St plz help me and also banga , arora , gaudi plz let me know
Jitendra kumar(jitu Ramani). says
Hindu (kahar)
Rahul Kumar says
Is this current time GADARIYA cast is coming under BC category or in SC category ?
Sarabjit Singh says
Hello sir is Arayi caste belong to any of the backward classes or before?
Pankaj Mehta says
M sugar cast me aata hu ,kya m elegible hu BC certificate k liye…plz …?
Renu says
Who is lahora cast
babli walia says
ahulwalia caste koci warg m aati h obc st sc gen?? kiss m aati hai plz arrjent aw give me answers .
Harmeet singh says
Me ramgriya ho tu ky me obc me ata ho ye nhi
Sir, My Caste ‘GOSWAMI’ is in BC list of Punjab But it’s not in OBC list of Punjab.What that means ?
When I searched my Caste i.e Goswami on NCBC site it showed in central list of Gujarat,Delhi , MP, etc.
But I need a certificate of OBC . Please help me and provide me a solution that How I can get My OBC certificate for Goswami Caste
Hope you will reply as I am in great trouble .
I am living in Punjab State.
Suresh says
I wana to know about the difference of kachhi maurya in OBC LIST WHILE ONLY MAURYA COMES IN PUNJAB GOVET SYSTEM for BC caste certificate
Is it possible to have both obc and bc having kachhi maurya and maurya respectively by the one person. Is it possible
Please reply i have to use one of the certificate
Bhatia belong to which category
Sandeep says
Sir, pls tell me something about rajbhar caste
Rajbhar caste will not be in your list
Please I want to know that why is not there Mali (malakar) caste in the list of Punjab and in other states Mali caste is present in the list. Please let me know.
Please I want to know that why is not there Mali (malakar) caste in the list of Punjab and in other states Mali caste is present in the list. Please reply 🙏
Happy says
Hello sir Sikh Jat belongs to BC or obc
Karan says
Please 🙏 give information that Jat caste belongs to BC or obc 🙏🙏.
Sir, S NO 75 SIKH RAJPUT LETTER NO 1/34/2016-RC-2/174 Date 14/10/2016 .is not conform List OBC
Please conform .pl send new letter sewa kander Jalandhar.
Harpreet says
Tell me saini caste belongs to Which category in punjab
Saini caste is eligible for reservation in jobs in Punjab
RAJKUMARI Udasi says
Sir I m from chhatisghar and want to know about Udasi Panth ‘s cast categories, please help
Sarbjit kaur Minhas says
Sikh Rajput have opposed,they are in general class they don’t want reservation
Ghanshyam says
Sir Maurya caste punjab ke BC me registerd ha ki nhi mera certificate BC ka banega ki OBC ka.
Deep says
Is Sikh Jat caste belongs to obc?
Guru says
Is bath surname belongs to obc category?
Rajvir says
Sir kya teacher jo c category main hain unka obc certificate ban sakta hai
mann says
hi could you guys let me know parmar caste in hoshiarpur is backward class or no
Baljeet kaur says
Soni rajput recently declared sc?
Annu says
Sir,Christian is religion not caste.If someone who belongs to general category , adopted Christian religion ,then what will his or her category?
prashant shakya says
shakya maurya kushwaha me nhi ati ye only shaky maurya ek hai baki kushwaha hamhre clan me nahi ate _koli caste ati hai hamhre clan me
Vinod says
Chauhan caste is whichever sc or bc or obc???
Abhishek says
My caste certificate
Ayushi punjabi says
Sir may i know that punjabi caste is included or not in OBC inrajasthan plz answer
suvidha syal says
is kabirpanthi caste a subcategory of mazhbi/balmiki caste or other caste?
Akash Katiyar says
Parhawk konsi caste me ate hai sir
Fayaz Ahmad naik says
Naik in jk
Rakhi says
Hello ! Sir I am dangi can you tell me which cast catagory in punjab
Rakesh Shah says
Hello sir me , shah title se surmar parta hai , me obc ya bc kya hoo ?
aman says
hello sir is Bahti caste is belong into BC
Alisha khan says
My surname is KHAN
What is my caste category plz tell me.
Rajvir Yadav says
Hello Sir Mera Naam Rajvir Yadav te mera OBC da certificate bnya hai centre Government da hun mai BC punjab da Certificate banwana hai te kive bnega Mere har proof te Rajvir Yadav hai likhya Mainu dso mera BC certificate kive Bnega
Sandeep says
Rajbhar caste add nhi hai. Pls help
Reepan says
Sir, Bhardwaj or Rajbhar castes were included in which caste?
Sumit says
is kamboj belongs to non creamy layer ?
Pinki Rani says
Hi, sir i am pinki Rani
AKSHAY yadav says
Why yadav/ahir is not come in obc commnities
Amarjit Singh says
Hello sir Kumhar or Parjapat are gerenal or bc.
Surjeet says
Kamboj caste sikh religion. H ya hindu
Shubh says
Sir I belong to chimba caste jo ki Bc me mention ha … mere certificate pr obc certificate with chimbe caste mention ho gya ha …how it can be corrected please reply
Shubh says
Mere pass obc ka certificate ha kya mushje reservation melege Punjab govt jobs me
Bharat Bhushan says
Rajbhar obc in Punjab
Vishal says
Sir I belong to Bari caste base from UP how can I get obc caste certificate from Punjab
Malkit singh says
Hello sir is batth, ਬਾਠ(jatt) caste is belong to BC
Vishal says
Is Bari caste belong to OBC in Punjab ? In UP it belong to OBC .
Ali says
Sir obc cast main darji jaati hai Punjab govt
Neha says
Sir I want to make obc certificate but Mehra rajpoot not coming in portal but I search under Google list of obc caste we have to showing Mehra Rajput ….
In sewa kandra Ludhiana said that no showing Mehra Rajput in portal for obc certificate
Please revert as soon as
Kharag says
Our friend sultan thakur used to tell us that he is from upper caste but after reading this get to knw the truth. Pls help him how to apply for OBC certificate.
Ph number: +91 9988524910
Instagram: sultan thakur
Neha says says
Sir kya Choudary caste obc me ati hai.
Rakesh Kumar says
Sir, Please tell me that Yadav Caste listed in OBC under punjab State or not.
Rakesh Kumar
ਨਿੰਦਰਪਾਲ ਸਿੰਘ ਮਚਾਕੀ says
ਸਰ 2011 ਦੀ ਹੋਈ ਮਰਦਮਸ਼ੁਮਾਰੀ ਵਿਚ obc ਦੀ ਕੁੱਲ ਗਿਣਤੀ % ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ ਅਜਿਹਾ ਕਿਓਂ..?
Rattan Lal says
Is sharma community comes under sr.68 Tarkhan and can get B C certificate from Tehsildar
Sunil says
Hello sir , Is changes Brahman belongs to BC category.
Navneet Singh says
Village Sohail
Sarabjeet singh says
Chang ghirath bahti these are in same cast
Rakesh shah says
I belong to Madhesia Halbai / Kanu caste. My caste knows obc. But my caste is not in this list.
मै मधेशिया हलबाई /कानू जाति से हु । मेरा जाति obc मे पङता है। परंतु मेरा जाति इस list मे नही है। ( Shah /gupta) surname used.
Arshdeep Kaur says
Thind or sikh in which category likr BC or obc?
Rakesh gupta says
Sir Hum Madheshiya halwai/Kanu hai . Surname Gupta and shah used .. Sir aap humara caste category das do plz?….🙏🙏🙏
Ram says
Plz provide with no and date
ਤੇਜਿੰਦਰ ਸਿੰਘ says
ਖੁਸਰੇ ਜਾਂ ਹਿਜੜੇ ਪਛੜੀਆਂ ਸ਼੍ਰੇਣੀਆਂ ਵਿਚ ਹਨ
Narinder says
Kindly tell me …..which catagory saini’s belongs to
Vishal Mohamad says
Sir iam belongs from teli muslim caste when I applied for which category
Paramjeet singh paneser says
I want to know whether Paneser falls under OBC category of Government of India from the sikh community?
Mahavir gir goswami says
Some sewa kendras are not apply caste certificates even site is not working properly many problems faced by us to make obc certificate
amit kumar says
in which catageroy Chauhan in rajpura distt.caste stand for sc or bc or obc???
Gurmit Singh Rao says
Sat Shri Akal Sir, mera goot RAO hi, me document vich SIKH (JAT) likhda han, me kis caste vech aunda han, list vech kis caste de naam te hi, Please zarur jabav dena, Thank you
Arvinder says
Nanda càste comes under in which religion ??
Ramzan Mohd says
Does Bhatti(Muslim)cast belong to BC category?
singh says
Is Sikh rajput, Minhas still in obc as on 28.06.2021
sazid says
Hello Sir
Shekh Pathaan caste is belong into ????? category
Sagar says
Khati caste is belong bc or obc
Gurpreet says
Can you please tell what category Weaver (Jullaha) cast belongs ?
Darshan kumar says
Jullaha,Kabir panthi, megh or Bhagat yeh sabi naam ek hi jaati ke hai to inko sechduled caste certificate kaise issue ho raha hai.
joban says
veer main sikh mehra kheri caste awa gye
Prem Masih says
Sir, where I can see list of persons who received backward classe certificate in year 1993
Dalip Kumar says
Sir Kshatriya caste falls in which category ?
does gill come in obc
Shivdutt says
अगर केंद्र सरकार निषाद की 13 जातियो को अनूसूचित जाति का आरक्षण दे तो क्या पंजाब के कश्यप को अनूसुचित जाति का आरक्षण मिलेगा क्या।
Rajesh arora says
Does Arora caste belong to OBC
Ashwani says
Sukhija kon si category mein aate hai
AnilMehta says
Kushwaha ( koeri) hota hota hai mera certificate nahi ban raha appne
BC list sno 69 mai kushwaha likha hai date 27/06/2003
Kaushal says
Sir pls tell me kaushal surname vale bhi bc caste mei aate hai??
Gaurav Rawat says
Sir I belong to Hindu Rajput .. please tell me hindu rajput comes under which category..
Ranveer Chauhan says
Is rajput Chauhan is OBC CATEGORY
Priyanshu sharma says
Jaswinder singh says
Sir I m belong with Choudhary caste. Is it included in obc
AJAY says
Mera cast kyaa he Uttar Pradesh me Patwa he Punjab me KYA hoga
Gurdasmann says
Hji majidan bagan da bc. Certificate chk karana ji
Shehnaz says
Muslim me manhir caste kis me atti b obc ye bc me plzz sier batya ye punjab me h ye nhi
Rajinder kumar says
Acharays barahmin belong to which caste in punjab
Parkash Chand says
Cast certificate
Kanwar says
Please remove Sikh Rajput from OBC list.Also CM has announced on 15th Nov 20201 to list Sikh Rajputs back in General.
Bhanu says
Sir as mentioned above in serial number 69 kacchi( shakya,maurya&kushwah ) category comes under BC & OBC but till when it is declared up
And plz tell me the meaning of -do-
It will be very helpful for me
Thanks a lot
Sir we are also in OBC caste .
cast is kushwaha and we are living from many years in Punjab so please add our cast.
Manoj Goswami says
Hello sir does BEDI BAWA cast comes into BC or OBC
Ramanjeet singh says
Agar kisi ko quasiye goter ke jathre pata hai to hame batane ki kirpa karna g thank ful to you
Jaswinder Kaur says
Hlo sir plz chimba cast gotera khosia plz find the place reply
Navjot kaur says
Dhingra surname comes under which category?
Inayat hussain says
Which is my cast
Harmesh Singh Saini says
As we know the Saini caste comes under the reserved category. Plz inform details. Regards
सुभाष राणा says
सर हम कुशवाहा राजपूत पंजाब मे कोनसी कैटेगरी में आते है
nishant kumar says
can u provide me information on this mater kya general caste ko short form mein ur kha jata hai
Narinder Kaur coulas says
Hello sir / madam
I am belong to lubana sikh cast .
So please tell me my accrual category.
So I wants know my cast BC/ OBC .
So please about me knowledge.
Nirmal singh says
OBCs constitute 31.3% of punjab population, SCs constitute 31.9% of punjab population according to 2011 census. Then why OBCs get only 5% reservation quota
Sukhvinder singh says
Kya Sikh rajput caste mein PATGAL surname hai
Amandeep Singh says
Sikh Rajputs are a martial race, we don’t want the OBC/BC status.
Mamta ahuja says
Will hindu khatri ahuja also considered in OBC?
Vishal billa says
My caste is Billa i come under which category
Aman Kumari says
SC st act ke tehat online complete kha ki jati hi
Manjit kumar says
hlo sar iam lave in punjab .but my father in bihar then your cast (kanu). how to cast in punjab( bc,sc .) plz tall me
Desi sardar says
BC caste da certificate banan wala sara hijada khusrra hun
Gurcharan Singh says
Sir Punjab list m kalwar kalal choudhary kon sa cast m Liya jata hai, please help me
Minal says
What is the meaning of -do-
Minal says
What is the meaning of -do-
Pawan Kumar says
Noniya caste name in punjab sate
Karan Saini says
Legend says
Amandeep Singh says
Is suniar cast is in BC category presently?
rajesh kumar gosain says
gosain comes which category in punjab
NJ says
Hi – Naphray & santray Gotra belongs to
Bagvinder sekhon says
O bai jatt Sikh mar Gye kya
Navdeep Singh says
Is bhullar caste belongs from bc or obc caste
Devendra Singh says
Hello Sir/Madam,
Sukhjinder Dhaliwal says
Do landless jatts come under any of SC/BC/OBC
Harman kumar says
I have one question?
I hace central level bc certificate. Can i use this certificate for state level (punjab) for scruitny?
vinay says
Dear Sir,
Do Midha surname comes under BC
Sharda says
Lonia jo ke up ma darj ha Punjab ma bhe hone chahiye
Ajai Pal Singh says
Is Lachhar a backward caste?
Mehardeep Singh says
Want to get OBC certificate for admission of my son . How to get please suggest urgently. Thankyou.
Rakhi suvana Parvin says
Please help me .
Where can I get my OBC application number?
Ashwin says
How to procure caste certificate of lohar caste, in state of Punjab, but, resident of Maharashtra,
Father born in state of Punjab before year 1950,
Plz advice to procure caste certificates for my son and daughter who are presently domiciled in Maharashtra .
And necessary documents required.
Anil says
What is meaning of “-do-” ?
Tanvi Kamboj says
Sehgal caste came under which category??
Aman says
Is dhammu ate general
Ekta says
Hlo sir is christains comes under bc
my grandfather to my father we use masih as surname
Gurmeet khan says
Please start any economically weak help scheme for teli cast, I want a economically help because I m below of poverty line so please help
Daljit Singh says
Is Thind cast is SC or obc
Sanjeev bhalla says
I wanted to know whether bhalla caste comes under obc or under which category. I am residing in Bihar and have little knowledge about it .
Shall be grateful for an early reply
Sanjeev bhalla says
I wanted to know whether bhalla caste comes under obc or under which category. I am residing in Bihar and have little knowledge about it . Sir kindly send notification linak also
Shall be grateful for an early reply
Thanks and regards
G S Jhajj says
Kashyap Dhaunchak caste comes under which category in Punjab
Aanika says
I have a state and central obc certificate under yadav community of punjab.
Does this certificate valid under gowala community.
Sunil kushwaha says
Kushwaha jaati obc category mein nhi aati hum shri ram ke jyeth pputre kush ke vanshaj h jinhone apna dharam change nhi kiya kripya krke meri yeh baat rakh lijiye aur kushwaha ko obc se hatakr generak category mein kya jaye meri yeh baat ko jara seriously lijiye jai shree ram