Model Question Papers for class 8 under SCERT
Model Question papers Class 8th Hindi, Model Question papers Class 8th Maths, Model Question papers Class 8th English, Model Question papers Class 8th Samajik Vigyan.
Assistance to Reputed and Registered NGO’s/Trust and Other Social Institutions Solemnizing Mass Marriages for Scheduled Castes/Inter-Caste SCs
The object of the scheme is to encourage the Institutions, Trust & NGOs etc. to provide financial help to SC & Inter-caste SC couples, working for the removal of untouchability, removing the gap between low and high maintaining communal harmony in the State.
Strengthening of 108 Community Centres for Providing Equipments and Raw Material
Under the scheme Women and Girls of Scheduled Castes living Below Poverty Line and also Women and Girls of other sections of society are given training in cutting, tailoring and embroidery
Construction of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Bhawans
To commemorate the birth of Bharat Ratna Baba Sahib Dr. B.R. Ambedkar the Punjab Govt. had decided to set up Ambedkar Bhawan at each distt. Headquarter.
Construction of SC Dharamshalas/Chaupals
Under this scheme, Dharamshalas are constructed in the Scheduled Caste Basties in the State so that these people may derive community benefits and arrange their social functions at these places.
Special Employment Cell for Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes
a special employment cell has been set up to register the names of unemployed educated persons of these classes through out the State who are in possession of certificates in respect of academic/technical qualifications.
Award to Village Panchayats for Promoting Education & Socio Economic Development of Scheduled Castes
Under this scheme, an award of Rs. 50,000/- would be given to each Panchayat which will show outstanding performance for promoting education and socio development of Scheduled Castes.
The Punjab Community Participation in Municipalities Act, 2013
An Act to provide for the community participation for the performing & discharging certain functions & duties of the Municipalities & for getting up of Area Sabhas & Wards Committees & matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
The Punjab Prevention of Human Smuggling Act, 2012
An Act to provide for the regulation of the profession of travel agents with a view to check and curb their illegal and fraudulent activities,