1. OBJECTIVE of the scheme in brief:-
Even after 51 years of independence and in spite of various measures taken to improve the level of education in the country, literacy levels among backward classes, particularly among women, continue to be extremely low. The number of steps have already been taken by the Government and considerable progress has been achieved in improving the level of literacy and education during the last 51 years, but there is till a long way to go before respectable levels of literacy are achieved, It has been recognized now that education and economic support for backward Classes has not been adequate and there is disparity between them and the non-backward sections of population at every level. In view of the same, it is felt that earnest efforts are required to introduce various new schemes specifically for these target group i.e. backward classes toprovide them a level playing field in comparison to non-backward sections of the population.
Experience shows that children of OBCs from the poorer section do not go to schools as they often have to provide a helping hand to their parents in traditional occupation or otherwise supplement the family income. It is considered that a scheme of Pre-matric Scholarship would be helpful in spreading education amongst such children especially amongst the girl child of weaker sections. A scheme of Pre-matric Scholarship for the benefit children belonging to Weaker Section amongst OBCs has been formulated with the object in view.
2. ELIGIBILITY Criteria/Who Can apply:-
Scholarship award will be sanctioned in the case of OBC student whose parents/guardians income from all sources does not exceed Rs.2,50,000/-per annum.
3. Benefits/Assistance given
I. Hostellers:
The students as hostllers will be covered from class III to X. The rates of scholarships will be as under:-
Class III toX Rs.500/- per month for 10 months
II. Day Scholars
The students as day scholars will be covered from Class I to Class X. The rates of scholarships will be as under:
Class ItoXRs.100/- per months for 10 months.
III. Adhoc Grant
An ad-hoc grant of Rs.500/- per student per annum to all students i.e. hostllers as well as day scholars will also be given.
IV. The scholarship amount will be payable from the date of joining tothe date of leaving the school, excluding the period of vacation, which will be about 10 months in a year expect in the cases where the students enter late or leaves early in the midst of academic year.
4. Format of Application Form(to be Attached as Annexure-C.)
5. List of documents required to be submitted by the beneficiary (attached specimen formats as Annexure(s), wherever required:
Cast Certificate,Annual Income Certificate,Students Adhar number and Bank Passbook Photocopy.
6. How to Apply/procedure to submit Application:-
An application for scholarship can be made online on the respective State scholarship portal.
7. Where to submit application:
State scholarship portal E-Punjab Portal
8. Service delivery time line:
As per portal or GOI Instructions.
9. Formats of sanctions to be received by the beneficiary (to be added as Annexure), Directly Students Bank Account thru DBT.
10. Whom to Contact:-
OSD(Scholarship) O/o Director General School Education, Punjab, Contact No. 0172-2234531
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