Government of Punjab
Department of Housing and Urban Development
(Housing II Branch)
Dated: The 10 April 2018
No. 18/08/2018-5hg2/1031
Whereas with a view to upgrade the development of infrastructure in the State, it is essential to have adequate number of Institution, Multimedia Centre, Hospital, Hotels comparable to global standards in terms of facilities a quality, and there is a shortage of all categories of the above infrastructure.
Whereas the Government of Punjab feels that the demand for Educational Institution, Multimedia Centre, Hospital, Hotels has tremendously increased due to the globalization of economy and change in the living style of the people, and there is an immediate requirement to facilitate channelization of investment in this sector.
Now, in order to give relief to the institutions regarding 200′-0″ frontage which have come up prior to 01.01.2018, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to amend the notification no. 12/05/2016-5hg2/891816/l dated 15-12-2016 as per follow:-
“The frontage for Institutional Building situated in rural areas which have come up before 01-01-2018 shall be reduced from 200′ to 150′.”
Other conditions of the compounding policy shall remain the same.
Place: Chandigarh
Dated: 21-03-2018
Vini Mahajan, IAS
Additional Chief Secretary to Government of Punjab
Department of Housing and Urban Development
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